Relentless Improvement
Preparation is the key to all success. Relentless improvement. Constant testing and retesting. Persistent fortification. It is so easy when times are good to let up and relax. This is where battles are lost and armies are defeated. DO NOT LET UP! PUSH! Continue to make improvements in good times, so when bad times arise we are not caught off guard. We must constantly prepare and continue to carry the momentum. It is the true test of a person, who while they may be in good fortune, strives to live as if with no fortune. Imagine that even with good fortune, you subjected yourself to the most extreme environment possible. Imagine fighting to survive and willing yourself to thrive. Imagine you did that on your own free will. Constantly testing and pushing yourself to your limits. Imagine what your life would look like if you constantly endured unrelenting pressure? Choose to keep grinding. Choose to get better.
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