Lend a Hand

 There is nothing wrong with asking for help. So long as you put your best effort forward and you are willing to learn and heed the advice given. Anyone will want to help you. Most people are lazy and looking for a handout or for someone else to do the work for them. But, every now and again there comes a time when the hammer of life beats you down. To this I say don't be afraid to extend your hand out for some assistance. Someone will always answer the call and come to your aid. After all we are human and it is our duty to be good humans and help others around us. As Plato has said. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." So don't be afraid to ask for help, and always be sure to lend a hand to those who need it. Choose to be kind and forgiving. Choose to never give up. Choose to be better.
